Are you feeling lonely? Confused? Spiritually dry? Turn to Wikipedia for unlikely but full-hearted support.
I've never seen a lonely river. The clatter of water against rocks and branches, the ten thousand drops flying into the air and caressing the surface of the water as the fall back down in that infinite cycle. Excitement, enthusiasm, peace, poise- these are the qualities which make up a river. It's just one river, but it's never alone for its component pieces and for the millions of life-forms it supports and nourishes by its very existence.
I've never seen a confused river, either. Rivers are directed, focused. They follow the path of least resistance, allowing the pull of gravity to shape their riverbeds and to temper their flow. If two paths seem equal, there is no hesitance, no indecision- the decision is made be reality, in that moment. Sometimes the river will split for a time, creating two different, equally zen flows, or the physics of the situation will become apparent and the river will continue along one path.
It splits, and it merges, it becomes part of greater rivers, it joins the ocean, and never is it more or less lonely, for it isn't lonely at all. It is rich, and solid in its ambiguity, it is eternal in its impermanence, each moment it is different, yet each moment links perfectly and seamlessly to the next.
Some rivers pass through villages- they are witnessed, appreciated, and played in by people. Others spend their whole existence amidst nature, more quietly supportive of the earth. These rivers each exist in precisely the way reality is set-up, they do not argue with it, they do not wish for change-- change is everpresent, and as perfect as could be asked for.
I don't want to slap a quiet pond here, so I'm not going to go on much further. Try considering this in context with your own life, though. Each moment, you make the decision which best fits who you are and what reality is presenting to you at the moment. There's never cause for regret, because your choices have always been the right choices for that moment. New choices will be made in the future, also according to your everchanging nature, and everchanging reality.
Your existence is rich, and dependent on nothing. You are a force of nature as much as anything, powerful, unstoppable, unpredictable, and beautiful. And yet you are steady and pure, and help shape the beautiful organization of reality.
I'll let you go on from here.
(p.s. I'm not saying anything about the Great Ouse.)